Dear DN and other Facebook partiers,
STOP SENDING ME THINGS ABOUT CLUBS ON FACEBOOK. Have you met me? Do I club? (Here's a hint... The answer to both of those questions is no.) I don't think I've ever had a real-life conversation with you. I don't know why we're Facebook friends. I used to creep on you and your girlfriend because you would post cute statuses about her, but I think you guys broke up, so basically love is a sham. Do you directly benefit if I mark "attending" on that Facebook event? I really don't think so. Furthermore, I don't even live in the ATL anymore, so in order to attend these events, I'd have to fly about 1876 miles. Do I look like I want to do that so I can go to "Girls Gone Wild hosted by Club Opera"? Negatory. Do I look like one of said "Girls Gone Wild"? I'm really hoping that this post will somehow send you stop-inviting-me-to-clubs-on-fb vibes, because I don't even know you well enough to say any of this to you. Have a nice life. And stop clubbing, it's gross.
Your Facebook friend (and that's about it),
amen. doood. i FEEL you. see? we're SO similar. :) hahah i'm enjoying these intimate hannah moments with your head.