
Saturday, January 12, 2013

first week of school.

Good things from this week...

+ Hitting this place up twice.
+ 16 credits.
+ Having my GRE date rescheduled due to inclement weather.
+ Downton Abbey starting up again.
+ Big O tires on my car.
+ Macey's cookies.
+ Cutting SJ's bangs.
+ Epiphanies.
+ Girl talk.
+ Falling in love with this song.

Hope your week was just as good.

1 comment:

  1. As I scrolled through your posts I couldn't help but smile and laugh but, this post made me cry. I listened to this song (for the first time ever) and a feeling of nostalgia came over me and I missed us and our crazy high school days. So, excuse me, I've got to listen to this song 200+ more times and sob. xoxox
