Well, it's been a very interesting semester thus far. To say the least. And I have just been so grateful for some things, namely...
1. My roommate. She is fantastic. I think one reason why she is fantastic is because she is so easy to talk to. She and I are similar in some ways and different in others and we very often keep each other incredibly sane.
2. Home teachers. In our church, we are assigned people to look out for us. Our home teachers came on Sunday and the roomie and I both felt like we should ask for priesthood blessings, so we did. These wonderful boys don't even know us, but are trying to make it through school and work and so many other things, but they took the time to take care of us in that small way and speak for the Lord. It was amazing.
3. Good friends who are willing to turn around and go back to supermarkets when I leave important things like my planner in carts.
4. General Conference! Seriously. Loving it.
5. Hot showers... Remember when I whined about having such a cold shower? Well. One of our roommates woke up in the middle of the night with the brilliant thought that we should check the temperature on the water heater. Man, oh, man, did I feel dumb then. Anyways, HOT SHOWERS. I will never take them for granted again.
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